Fees and Wait Times
Savers entry & exit Fees and Wait Times
Users pay two kinds of fees when entering or exiting Savings Vaults:
Layer1 Network Fees (gas): paid by the user when depositing or paid by the network when withdrawing and subtracted from the user's redemption value.
Slip Fees: protects the pool from being manipulated by large deposits/withdraws. Calculated as a function of transaction size and current pool depth.
The following are required to determine approximate deposit / withdrawal fees:
The Quote endpoints will return fee estimates.
Deposit Fees
Example: user is depositing 1.0 BTC into the network, which has 1000 BTC in the pool, with 30k sats outboundFee.
The user will pay ~1/3rd of the MAYAChain's outbound fee to send assets to Savings Vault, using their typical wallet fee settings (note, this is an estimate only).
Withdrawal Fees
Example: user is withdrawing 1.1 BTC from the network, which has 1000 BTC in the pool, with 30k outboundFee.
Remember, the liquidityFee is entirely dependent on the size of the transaction the user is wishing to do. They may wish to do smaller transactions over a period of time to reduce fees.
Wait Times
When depositing, there are three phases to the transaction.
Layer1 Inbound Confirmation - assuming the inbound Tx will be confirmed in the next block, it is the source blockchain block time.
Observation Counting - time for 67% MAYAChain Nodes to observe and agree on the inbound Tx.
Confirmation Counting - for non-instant finality blockchains, the amount of time MAYAChain will wait before processing to protect against double spends and re-org attacks.
When withdrawing using the dust threshold, there are three phases to the transaction
Layer1 Inbound Confirmation - assuming the inbound Tx will be confirmed in the next block, it is the source blockchain block time.
Observation Counting - time for 67% MAYAChain Nodes to observe and agree on the inbound Tx.
Outbound Delay - dependent on size and network traffic. Large outbounds will be delayed.
Layer1 Outbound Confirmation - Outbound blockchain block time.
Wait times can be between a few seconds up to an hour. The assets being swapped, the size of the swap and the current network traffic within MAYAChain will determine the wait time
The Quote endpoint will calculate wait times.
See the Delays section for full details.
Last updated
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