Transaction Memos
Understanding Transaction Memo In Detail
Transactions to MAYAChain pass user intent with the MEMO
field on their respective chains. MAYAChain inspects the transaction object and the MEMO
in order to process the transaction, so care must be taken to ensure the MEMO
and the transaction are both valid. If not, MAYAChain will automatically refund the assets. All memos are listed here.
MAYAChain uses specific Asset Notation for all assets. Assets and functions can be abbreviated and Affiliate Addresses and asset amounts can be shortened to reduce memo length.
Guides have been created for Swap and Savers to enable quoting and the automatic construction of memos for simplicity.
Memo Size Limits
MAYAChain has a memo size limit of 250 bytes, any inbound tx sent with a larger memo will be ignored. Additionally, memos on UTXO chains are further constrained by the OP_RETURN
size limit, which is 80 bytes.
All memos follow the format: FUNCTION:PARAM1:PARAM2:PARAM3:PARAM4
The function is invoked by a string, which in turn calls a particular handler in the state machine. The state machine parses the memo looking for the parameters which it simply decodes from human-readable strings.
In addition, some parameters are optional. Simply leave them blank, but retain the :
Permitted Functions
The following functions can be put into a memo:
Perform a swap.
Send the asset to swap.
Must be an active pool on MAYAChain.
The destination address to send to.
Can use MAYAName.
Custom refund address
Optional, custom refund address
The trade limit ie, set 100000000 to get a minimum of 1 full asset, else a refund.
Optional, 1e8 or Scientific Notation.
Swap interval in blocks.
Optional, 1 means do not stream.
Swap Quantity. Swap interval times every Interval blocks.
Optional, if 0, network will determine the number of swaps.
The affiliate MAYAName or address. CACAO is sent to Affiliate.
Optional. Must be MAYAName or MAYA Address. Up to 5 affiliates separated by "/" are allowed
The affiliate fee. Limited from 0 to 500 Basis Points.
Optional. Limited from 0 to 500 Basis Points (5%). Up to 5 affiliate bps separated by "/" are allowed
The whitelisted aggregator contract.
Optional. Can use the last x characters of the address to fuzz match it.
The final token (must be on 1INCH Whitelist)
Optional. Can be shortened
The parameter to pass into AmountOutMin in AMM contracts
Optional. Handled by the aggregator, so:
1. Can be 0 (no protection).
2. Can be in any decimals
3. Can be in % or BasisPoints, then converted to a price at the time of swap by the aggregator contract.
Mayanode accepts integers and scientific notation. Both 100000000
and 1e8
would forward uint256 100000000
to the aggregator contract.
Syntactic Examples:
swap with trade limitSWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR:LIM/
swap with limit, do not stream swap1/1SWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR:LIM/
swap with limit, optimise swap amount, every 3 blocks3/0SWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR:LIM/1/0:AFFILIATE:FEE
swap with limit, optimised,using affiliate address and feeSWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR:LIM/1/0:AFFILIATE_NAME
swap with limit, optimised,using affiliate MAYAName and default fee (set in MAYAName)SWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR:
swap with affiliate MAYAName and overridden default feeSWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR::AFF1/AFF2/AFF3
swap with three affiliate MAYANames using default basis points valuesSWAP:ASSET:DESTADDR::AFF1/AFF2/AFF3:/20/
swap with three affiliate MAYANames using default basis points values for AFF1 and AFF3 and with overridden default fee for AFF2
Actual Examples:
- swap to Ether, send output to the specified address.SWAP:ETH.ETH:0xe6a30f4f3bad978910e2cbb4d97581f5b5a0ade0:10000000,
same as above except the Ether output should be more than 0.1 Ether else refund.SWAP:ETH.ETH:0xe6a30f4f3bad978910e2cbb4d97581f5b5a0ade0:10000000
same as above except explicitly stated,do not stream the swap.SWAP:ETH.ETH:0xe6a30f4f3bad978910e2cbb4d97581f5b5a0ade0:10000000
same as above except told to allow streaming swap, mini swap every 3 blocks and MAYAChain to work out the number of swaps required to achieve optimal price efficiency.SWAP:ETH.ETH:0xe6a30f4f3bad978910e2cbb4d97581f5b5a0ade0:10000000
- same as above except will send 10 basis points from the input and send it tot
(THORSwap's MAYAName).
The above memo can be further reduced to:
If the MAYAName t
has Affiliate Basis Points set, the memo can be reduced even further to:
If the affiliate MAYAName has subaffiliates set, the affiliate fee is split proportionally according to the affiliate share basis points assigned to each subaffiliate. See the MAYAName Guide.
Other examples:
- swap to at least 197.79 RUNE=:BNB/BUSD-BD1:thor15s4apx9ap7lazpsct42nmvf0t6am4r3w0r64f2:628197586176 -
Swap to at least 6281.9 Synthetic BUSD.=:BNB.BNB:bnb108n64knfm38f0mm23nkreqqmpc7rpcw89sqqw5:544e6/2/6
- swap to at least 5.4 BNB, using streaming swaps, six swaps, every two blocks.
Custom Refund Address
By default, in the case of a refund the protocol will return the inbound swap to the original sender. However, in the case of protocol <> protocol interactions, many times the original sender is a smart contract, and not the user's EOA. In these cases, a custom refund address can be defined in the memo, which will ensure the user will receive the refund and not the smart contract.
Multiple Affiliates
Interfaces can define up to 5 valid affiliate (allowing both MAYANames and MAYA addresses) and affiliate basis points pairs in a swap memo and the network will attempt to skim an affiliate fee for each. Affiliates and affiliate basis points are separated by "/", eg. :t1/t2/t3:10/20/15
. Alternatively, up to 5 valid affiliates with exactly one specified basis point value can be defined, in which case the network will apply the same basis points fee to each affiliate MAYA address. For affiliate MAYANames, the default basis points set in the MAYAName configuration will be used. For example, in the following affiliate section of the memo:
the 10 basis points will apply to both addresses, while the affiliate MAYAName will use the default affiliate basis points specified in its configuration. Subaffiliates
All MAYANames used in the memo as affiliates can have nested subaffiliate MAYANames defined (each child MAYAName can have its own nested child MAYANames; the depth of nesting is unlimited). The affiliate fee assigned to the root affiliate MAYAName is further split among these nested subaffiliates MAYANames. Details on how to define the hierarchy of nested subaffiliates MAYANames can be found in the MAYAName Guide
Calculating Affiliate Fee Shares
Details on how affiliate fee shares are calculated in case of hierarchy of nested subaffiliates MAYANames can be found in the MAYAName Guide (Calculating Affiliate Fee Shares section)
Multiple affiliate examples:
- swap RUNE using three affiliates, with affiliate fees calculated based on the default affiliate basis points specified in each affiliate MAYAName configuration=:r:thor1el4ufmhll3yw7zxzszvfakrk66j7fx0tvcslym::t1/t2/t3:10/20/30
- swap using three affiliates, with affiliate fee basis points overridden by the points specified in memo=:r:thor1el4ufmhll3yw7zxzszvfakrk66j7fx0tvcslym::t1/t2/t3:/20/
- swap using three affiliates, with affiliate fees calculated based on the default affiliate basis points specified in thet1
affiliate MAYAName configurations, and with the affiliate fee basis points fort2
overridden by the points specified in the memo (20 bps)=:r:thor1el4ufmhll3yw7zxzszvfakrk66j7fx0tvcslym::t1/t2/t3:20
- swap using three affiliates, with affiliate fees calculated based on the default affiliate basis points specified in thet2
affiliate MAYAName configurations, and with the affiliate fee basis points fort1
overridden by the points specified in the memo (20 bps)=:r:thor1el4ufmhll3yw7zxzszvfakrk66j7fx0tvcslym::t1/tmaya13wrmhnh2qe98rjse30pl7u6jxszjjwl4fd6gwn/t2:20
- swap using three affiliates, with affiliate fees calculated based on the default affiliate basis points specified in thet1
affiliate MAYAName configurations, and with the affiliate fee basis points specified in the memo (20 bps) fortmaya13wrmhnh2qe98rjse30pl7u6jxszjjwl4fd6gwn
- swap using three affiliates, with the affiliate fee basis points fort1
overridden by the points specified in the memo (20 bps), with the affiliate fee basis points specified in the memo (20 bps) fortmaya13wrmhnh2qe98rjse30pl7u6jxszjjwl4fd6gwn
address, and with affiliate fees calculated based on the default affiliate basis points specified in thet2
affiliate MAYAName configurations
Invalid affiliate memo examples:
- affiliate basis points for explicit affiliate address must be provided=:r:thor1el4ufmhll3yw7zxzszvfakrk66j7fx0tvcslym::t1/t2/t3:10/20
- the number of affiliate names and affiliate basis points must be equal (except when only one value of affiliate basis points is provided)
Deposit Savers
Depositing savers can work without a memo; however, memos are recommended to be explicit about the transaction intent.
The asset to add liquidity with.
Must be supported by THORChain.
The Deposit handler.
Also a
The pool to add liquidity to.
Gas and stablecoin pools only.
Must be empty
Optional, Required if adding affiliate and fee
The affiliate address. RUNE is sent to Affiliate.
Optional. Must be THORName or THOR Address.
The affiliate fee. Limited from 0 to 1000 Basis Points.
Optional. Limited from 0 to 1000 Basis Points.
add to the BTC Savings Vaulta:ETH/ETH
add to the ETH Savings Vault+:BTC/BTC::t:10
Deposit with a 10 basis points affiliate
Withdraw Savers
Send the dust threshold of the asset to cause the transaction to be picked up by THORChain.
Caution Dust Limits: BTC,BCH,LTC chains 10k sats; DOGE 1m Sats; ETH 0 wei; THOR 0 RUNE.
The withdraw handler.
Also -
The pool to withdraw liquidity from.
Gas and stablecoin pools only.
Basis points (0-10000, where 10000=100%).
Optional. Limited from 0 to 1000 Basis Points.
Withdraw 100% from BTC Saversw:ETH/ETH:5000
Withdraw 50% from ETH Savers
Add Liquidity
There are rules for adding liquidity, see the rules here.
The asset to add liquidity with.
Must be supported by THORChain.
The Add Liquidity handler.
also a
The pool to add liquidity to.
Can be shortened.
The other address to link with. If on external chain, link to THOR address. If on THORChain, link to external address. If a paired address is found, the LP is matched and added. If none is found, the liquidity is put into pending.
Optional. If not specified, a single-sided add-liquidity action is created.
The affiliate address. The affiliate is added in to the pool as an LP.
Optional. Must be THORName or THOR Address.
The affiliate fee. Fee is allocated to the affiliate.
Optional. Limited from 0 to 1000 Basis Points.
single-sided add liquidity. If this is a position's first add, liquidity can only be withdrawn to the same address.+:POOL:PAIREDADDR
add with affiliate+:BTC.BTC:
Withdraw Liquidity
Withdraw liquidity from a pool. A withdrawal can be either dual-sided (withdrawn based on pool's price) or entirely single-sided (converted to one side and sent out).
Send the dust threshold of the asset to cause the transaction to be picked up by THORChain.
Caution Dust Limits: BTC,BCH,LTC chains 10k sats; DOGE 1m Sats; ETH 0 wei; THOR 0 RUNE.
The withdraw handler.
Also -
The pool to withdraw liquidity from.
Can be shortened.
Basis points (0-10000, where 10000=100%).
Single-sided withdraw to one side.
Optional. Can be shortened. Must be either RUNE or the ASSET.
dual-sided 100% withdraw liquidity. If a single-address position, this withdraws single-sidedly instead.-:POOL:1000
dual-sided 10% withdraw liquidity.wd:POOL:5000:ASSET
withdraw 50% liquidity as the asset specified while the rest stays in the pool, eg:wd:BTC.BTC:5000:BTC.BTC
Donate to a pool or the RESERVE.
The asset to donate to a THORChain pool.
Must be supported by THORChain. Can be RUNE or ASSET.
The donate handler.
Also %
The pool to withdraw liquidity from.
Can be shortened.
- Donate to the ETH pool.
The RUNE to credit to the RESERVE.
The reserve handler.
Perform node maintenance features. Also see Pooled Nodes.
The asset to bond to a Node.
Must be RUNE.
The bond handler.
The pool's asset from which to bond.
The amount of LP units to bond.
Optional, if empty, all available LP units will be used.
The node to bond with.
Whitelist in a provider.
Optional, add a provider
Specify an Operator Fee in Basis Points.
Optional, default will be the mimir value (2000 Basis Points). Can be changed anytime.
None required.
Use MsgDeposit
The unbond handler.
The node to unbond from.
Must be in standby only.
The amount to unbond.
In 1e8 format. If setting more than actual bond, then capped at bond.
Unwhitelist a provider.
Optional, remove a provider
None required.
Use MsgDeposit
The leave handler.
The node to force to leave.
If in Active, request a churn out to Standby for 1 churn cycle. If in Standby, forces a permanent leave.
Internal memo type used to mark migration transactions between a retiring vault and a new Asgard vault during churn. Special MAYAChain triggered outbound tx without a related inbound tx.
Assets migrating
The migrate Handler
MAYAChain Blockheight to migrate
Must be a valid blockheight
Example (LINK): MIGRATE:3494355
Dev-centric functions to fix MAYAChain state. Caution: may cause loss of funds if not done exactly right at the right time.
The asset to credit to a vault.
Must be ASSET or RUNE.
The noop handler.
Adds to the vault balance, but does not add to the pool.
Do not credit the vault.
Optional. Just fix the insolvency issue.
The following are the conditions for refunds:
Invalid MEMO
If the MEMO
is incorrect the user will be refunded.
Invalid Assets
If the asset for the transaction is incorrect (adding an asset into a wrong pool) the user will be refunded.
Invalid Transaction Type
If the user is performing a multi-send vs a send for a particular transaction, they are refunded.
Exceeding Price Limit
If the final value achieved in a trade differs to expected, they are refunded.
Refunds cost fees to prevent Denial of Service attacks. The user will pay the correct outbound fee for that chain.
Other Internal Memos
- add funds to a pool (example:DONATE:ETH.ETH
- consolidate UTXO transactionsragnarok
- only used to delist pools.
Last updated
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