Constants and Mimir

Constants and Mimir Settings Defined.


The network launched with a set number of constants, which has not changed. Constants can be overridden via Mimir and nodes have the ability to vote on and change Mimir values.

Mimir setting can be created and changed without a corresponding Constant.



  • No Star or Hash - Constant only, no Mimir override.

  • Star (*) indicates a Mimir override of a Constant

  • Hash (#) indicates Mimir with no Constant.

Outbound Transactions

OutboundTransactionFee: Amount of cacao to withhold on all outbound transactions (1e8 notation)

Scheduled Outbound

MaxTxOutOffset: Max number of blocks a scheduled outbound transaction can be delayed

MinTxOutVolumeThreshold: Quantity of outbound value (in 1e8 cacao) in a block before its considered "full" and additional value is pushed into the next block

TxOutDelayMax: Maximum number of blocks a scheduled transaction can be delayed

TxOutDelayRate: Rate of which scheduled transactions are delayed


HaltTrading: Pause all trading

Halt<chain>Trading: Pause trading on a specific chain

MaxSwapsPerBlock: Artificial limit on the number of swaps that a single block with process

MinSwapsPerBlock: Process all swaps if the queue is equal to or smaller than this number


MaxSynthPerAssetDepth: The amount of synths allowed per pool relative to the pool depth

BurnSynths#: Enable/Disable burning synths

MintSynths*: Enable/Disable minting synths

VirtualMultSynths: The amount of increase the pool depths for calculating swap fees of synths

LP Management

PauseLP*: Pauses the ability for LPs to add/remove liquidity

PauseLP<chain>*: Pauses the ability for LPs to add/remove liquidity, per chain

MaximumLiquidityCacao*: Max cacao capped on the pools known as the β€˜soft cap’

LiquidityLockUpBlocks: The number of blocks LP can withdraw after their liquidity

Impermanent Loss Protection

FullImpLossProtectionBlocks*: Number of blocks before an LP gets full imp loss protection

ILP-DISABLED-<asset>*: Enable/Disable imp loss protection per asset

Chain Management

HaltChainGlobal*: Pause observations on all chains (chain clients)

HaltTrading: Stops swaps and additions, if done, will result in refunds. Observations still occur.

Halt<chain>Chain*: Pause a specific blockchain

Halt<chain>Chain*: Pause a specific blockchain

NodePauseChainGlobal: Individual node controlled means to pause all chains

NodePauseChainBlocks: Number of block a node operator can pause/resume the chains for

BlocksPerYear: Blocks in a year

MaxUTXOsToSpend*: Max UTXOs to be spent in one block

MinimumNodesForBFT: Minimum node count to keep the network running. Below this, RagnarΓΆk is performed.

Fee Management

NativeTransactionFee: Cacao fee on all on chain txs

TNSRegisterFee: Registration fee for new MAYAName, in cacao

TNSFeeOnSale: fee for TNS sale in basis points

TNSFeePerBlock: per block cost for TNS, in cacao

Solvency Checker

StopSolvencyCheck#: Enable/Disable Solvency Checker

StopSolvencyCheck<chain>#: Enable/Disable Solvency Checker, per chain

PermittedSolvencyGap: The amount of funds permitted to be "insolvent". This gives the network a little bit of "wiggle room" for margin of error

Node Management

MaximumBondInCacao: Sets an upper cap on how much a node can bond

MinimumBondInCacao*: Sets a lower bound on bond for a node to be considered to be churned in

ValidatorMaxRewardRatio*: the ratio to MinimumBondInCacao at which validators stop receiving rewards proportional to their bond

Yggdrasil Management

YggFundLimit: Funding limit for yggdrasil vaults (percentage)

YggFundRetry*: Number of blocks to wait before attempting to fund a yggdrasil again

StopFundYggdrasil#: Enable/Disable yggdrasil funding

ObservationDelayFlexibility*: Number of blocks of flexibility for a validator to get their slash points taken off for making an observation

PoolDepthForYggFundingMin*: the minimum pool depth in CACAO required for ygg funding

MinimumNodesForYggdrasil: No yggdrasil pools if MAYANode have less than 6 active nodes

Slashing Management

LackOfObservationPenalty: Add two slash points for each block where a node does not observe

SigningTransactionPeriod: How many blocks before a request to sign a tx by yggdrasil pool, is counted as delinquent.

DoubleSignMaxAge: Number of blocks to limit double signing a block

FailKeygenSlashPoints: Slash for 720 blocks, which equals 1 hour

FailKeysignSlashPoints: Slash for 2 blocks

ObserveSlashPoints: the number of slashpoints for making an observation (redeems later if observation reaches consensus

ObservationDelayFlexibility: number of blocks of flexibility for a validator to get their slash points taken off for making an observation

JailTimeKeygen: blocks a node account is jailed for failing to keygen. DO NOT drop below TSS timeout

JailTimeKeysign: blocks a node account is jailed for failing to keysign. DO NOT drop below TSS timeout


AsgardSize: Defines the number of members to an Asgard vault

MinSlashPointsForBadValidator: Min quantity of slash points needed to be considered "bad" and be marked for churn out

BondLockupPeriod: Lockout period that a node must wait before being allowed to unbond

ChurnInterval*: Number of blocks between each churn

HaltChurning: Pause churning

DesiredValidatorSet: Max number of validators

FundMigrationInterval*: Number of blocks between attempts to migrate funds between asgard vaults during a migration

NumberOfNewNodesPerChurn#: Number of targeted additional nodes added to the validator set each churn

BadValidatorRedline*: Redline multiplier to find a multitude of bad actors

BadValidatorRate: Rate to mark a validator to be rotated out for bad behavior

OldValidatorRate: Rate to mark a validator to be rotated out for age

LowBondValidatorRate: Rate to mark a validator to be rotated out for low bond


EmissionCurve*: How quickly cacao is emitted from the reserve in block rewards

IncentiveCurve*: The split between nodes and LPs while the balance is optimal

MaxAvailablePools: Maximum number of pools allowed on the network. Gas pools (native pools) are excluded from this.

MinCacaoPoolDepth*: Minimum number of cacao to be considered to become active

PoolCycle*: Number of blocks the network will churn the pools (add/remove new available pools)

StagedPoolCost: Number of cacao (1e8 notation) that a stage pool is deducted on each pool cycle.

More documentation can be found here.

Last updated

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