Coding Guide

A coding overview to XChainJS.


The foundation of xchainjs is defined in the xchain-util package

  • Address: a crypto address as a string.

  • BaseAmount: a bigNumber in 1e8 format. E.g. 1 BTC = 100,000,000 in BaseAmount

  • AssetAmount: a BaseAmount*10^8. E.g. 1 BTC = 1 in Asset Amount.

  • Asset: Asset details {Chain, symbol, ticker, isSynth}

All Assets must conform to the Asset NotationassetFromString() is used to quickly create assets and will assign chain and synth.

  • CryptoAmount: is a class that has:

baseAmount: BaseAmount
readonly asset: Asset

All crypto should use the CryptoAmount object with the understanding they are in BaseAmount format. An example to switch between them:

// Define 1 BTC as CryptoAmount
oneBtc = new CryptoAmount(assetToBase(assetAmount(1)), assetFromStringEx(`BTC.BTC`))
// Print 1 BTC in BaseAmount 
console.log(oneBtc.amount().toNumber().toFixed()) // 100000000
// Print 1 BTC in Asset Amount 
console.log(oneBtc.AssetAmount().amount().toNumber().toFixed()) // 1


Major data types for the mayarchain-query package.


The input Type for estimateSwap. This is designed to be created by interfaces and passed into EstimateSwap. Also see Swap Memo for more information.


The internal return type is used within estimateSwap after the calculation is done.


Return type of estimateSwap. This is designed to be used by interfaces to give them all the information they need to display to the user.

Do not use toAddress after expiry as the Asgard vault rotates


Major data types for the thorchain-query package.


Input Type for doSwap where a swap will be actually conducted. Based on EstimateSwapParams.


Last updated