How to buy CACAO?
Unlocking CACAO: A Step-by-Step Guide to Seamless Token Acquisition
The CACAO token is not listed on any Centralized Exchange.
You can buy CACAO by swapping BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, wstETH, RUNE, DASH, KUJI, or USK to CACAO on one of the following interfaces:
Step by Step:
Create your wallet on your chosen interface.
Load your wallet with your chosen asset (BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, wstETH, RUNE, DASH, KUJI, USK or AETH).
Select Swap.
Enter the amount you wish to swap and the asset you want to get; in this case, the asset you want to get is CACAO.
You are ready!
We have developed guides that explain step by step how to use each user interface:
CACAO Price:
Follow up on CACAO behavior on CoinGecko or MayaScan.
Last updated
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