Example actions within MAYAChain
Find Savers Position
Endpoints have been made to look up a savers position quickly.
Savers Position using Thornode
Request: Get BTC saver information for the address 33XBYjiR3B7g8755mCB56aHtxQYL2Go9xf https://thornode.ninerealms.com/thorchain/pool/BTC.BTC/saver/33XBYjiR3B7g8755mCB56aHtxQYL2Go9xf
Returns all savers for a given asset. To get all savers you can use https://thornode.ninerealms.com/thorchain/pool/BTC.BTC/savers
Savers Position using Midgard
Request Get Savers Position for address 33XBYjiR3B7g8755mCB56aHtxQYL2Go9xf
Find Liquidity Position
Similar to savers, looking up the liquidity position with a given address is possible.
Liquidity Provider Position using Thornode
Request: Get liquidity provider information in the BTC pool for the address bc1q00nrswtpp3zddgc0uvppuszhnr8k8zfcdps9gn https://thornode.ninerealms.com/thorchain/pool/BTC.BTC/liquidity_provider/bc1q00nrswtpp3zddgc0uvppuszhnr8k8zfcdps9gn
Liquidity Provider Position using Midgard
Several endpoints exist however the member's endpoint is the most comprehensive
Request: Get liquidity provider information for the address bc1q0kmdagyqhkzw4sgs7f0vycxw7jhexw0rl9x9as
Any address can be used with this endpoint, e.g. bc1q0kmdagyqhkzw4sgs7f0vycxw7jhexw0rl9x9as with ?showSavers=true
to show any savers position also.
User Transaction History
Actions within THORChain can be obtained from Midgard which will list the actions taken by any given address.
Request: List actions by the address bnb1hsmrred449qcmhg9sa42deejr8nurwsqgu9ga4
Will also include savers' actions. The Action endpoint is very flexible, see the docs.
Check the status of a Transaction
Transactions can take time to fully process once sent to THORChain.
Request: Get the status for BTC tx A56B423250020E4960D9836C6F843E1D3333FAE583C9CA26776F0D68DA69CE4A sent to the Savers vault. https://thornode.ninerealms.com/thorchain/alpha/tx/status/A56B423250020E4960D9836C6F843E1D3333FAE583C9CA26776F0D68DA69CE4A
Note this endpoint is in alpha and the response will differ for swaps.
For more details information, https://thornode.ninerealms.com/thorchain/tx/A56B423250020E4960D9836C6F843E1D3333FAE583C9CA26776F0D68DA69CE4A/signers can be used looking for updated_vault
Last updated
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